Terrific TortieThis is Twinkle, she is approx 2 years old, FIV/leukemia, heart wormed checked, all negative. She had her first shots & has been dewormed. She needs a good indoor
home. She is not bad with 2 young grandkids, when they make alot of noise she scrampers away, other cats not bad either, but takes time for them to get used to each other. She is very leary of dogs from being booted out from somewhere when pregnant. She had her kittens
indoors and all have been adopted. She is a very loving cat and likes to be petted and held for lovings, then she goes her own way, to do her own thing. Twinkle loves to play, she has gained weight b/c she has to stay in the basement because there is a dog in the house
also. Twinkle needs room to roam & run. Twinkle is awesome with a young granddaughter, she also sleeps with her every night now when the grand daughter is at the house!
Twinkle has been adopted and will be making the acquaintance of two felines friends in her
new home soon.